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Corporate Credit (Debt Collection)

With the rapid growth in trade and economics unpaid invoices and overdue receivable problems are looming. Today entrepreneurs are increasingly taking risks by working with new companies – often without having any prior knowledge of their reputation and creditworthiness. Consequently, they encounter problems with companies who default on payments. Naturally, the profit of enterprises, especially of foreign trade companies is greatly influenced when these delinquent accounts are not collected. To remedy this, we provide soft debt recovery services and specialize in handling the entire process of debt recovery

Our Debt Collection Methods And Approach:

  • We take a soft but firm approach for debt recovery without jeopardizing client’s existing business relations with their debtor.
  • We focus on amicable and alternative solutions that save client’s time and money.
  • We give dispute identification, notification and resolutions the highest priority.
  • We work closely with client to resolve disputes and issues.
  • We monitor the execution of solutions arrived at with extreme diligence.
  • We ensure professionalism while interacting with client and their debtor.
  • We appoint a dedicated client service representative to stay focused on the collection process.

Our debt collection strategies include tracing and verifying the address and the current status of the Debtors, following up with them regularly and arranging face to face discussions for an Amicable Settlement by following proven principles of negotiation.

  • We do this by Bringing parties to the negotiation table.
  • Identifying the problems.
  • Establishing facts.
  • Clarifying issues.
  • Developing options for settlements.
  • Ultimately reaching agreement by getting written acknowledgement from the Debtor.
  • Keep clients’ relations intact.
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